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IntegraRack IR EarthBallast™ Mounting Kit


Our IR EarthBallast™ Kit provides enough materials to install up to 12 solar modules with this mounting option, and comes with a 3' x 50' roll of strong geotextile material generally used for earth filling and rock wall retention systems, and one caulk gun size tube of high-strength 5 minute epoxy with two mixing nozzles to adhere the material to each frame's base tube section. The geotextile material is rolled over the wet epoxy and stretched from frame to frame to form a large tight surface area over the top of the frame base tubes for the earth mound to be placed on. Each solar module section width requires a mound of dirt, crushed rock, or road base that is approximately 15 inches tall or 700 pounds of ballast fill material per section. A skid-steer loader, tractor, or shovel can be used to place the fill material.


  • Quick Cure 5 Min. Epoxy Resin
  • Extra Mixing Nozzle
  • 3' x 50' Roll of Geotextile Material
  • Alcohol Wipes
  • Scotch-Brite Pad
  • 1/2" Open-Ended Ratchet Wrench


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